International Cooperation

International Cooperation

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute conducts and supports activities aimed at establishing, developing, and enhancing international cooperation in the field of theatre and performing arts.

Several departments of the Institute carry out international cooperation. The International Cooperation Department focuses on long-term international collaborations and is active within the On the Move and PACE.V4 (Performing Arts Central Europe – Visegrad Countries Focus) networks. The Publishing Department carries out projects that broadly cover publications and cooperates with the SIBMAS network . The Barbara Krasnodębska Documentation Unit collaborates with the ENICPA network (European Network of Information Centres for Performing Arts). The Department of Aid and Development Programmes has been implementing residencies for artists from Ukraine and (previously) Belarus in Poland since 2021. The e-teatr portal has its page as

The activities of the International Cooperation Department promote the presentation of Polish achievements abroad and focus on long-term international cooperation, both in terms of personal and institutional relations. The Department is involved in various formats of international cooperation, including participation in and organisation of conferences and symposia, publication of books, organisation of exhibitions and other art shows. Its activities include offering residencies and workshops for young artists, conducting laboratory projects, and organising theatre showcases and presentations. The projects undertaken by the International Cooperation Department in collaboration with foreign partners include artistic and research activities, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary projects that combine theatre work with rapidly expanding areas of the arts, such as new media art and innovative set design practices. These activities encourage the long-term development of international artistic teams and specialised research platforms. We also identify emerging needs being debated internationally and advocate for specific professional groups in the theatre ecosystem.

Pictured: presentation of the Institute’s publications nominated for the PQ Best Publication Award in Performance Design & Scenography at PQ Talks, Prague Quadrennial 2023, photo by Markéta Bendová.

The developments in our international activities can be found online on the following sites:

The website, written in Polish and English, showcases Poland’s presence at the Prague Quadrennial since 2007. It features information on the current edition as well as archive material.

Is a theatre platform for foreigners about performances, workshops, and theatre events in Poland. We concentrate on events that take place in Poland, which are suitable for a foreign viewer. It focuses on performances without words, those with English subtitles, or originally performed in English.

A bilingual (EN/PL) website presenting the output of the Reclaimed Avant-garde project devoted to the inter-war theatre avant-garde of Central and Eastern Europe.
