We are launching a new website showcasing the output of the Reclaimed Avant-garde project.

The bilingual website (EN/PL) is available at oa.encyklopediateatru.pl/en/. The content includes recordings and articles related to the theatre avant-garde of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Theatre Institute expresses its support for the Czech IDU with an open letter to the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic.

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute expressed its concerns regarding the planned changes affecting the Czech Institute of the Arts and Theatre, Institut umění – Divadelní ústav (IDU).

The “Theatre Translation Handbook” is now available in Polish

The handbook’s objective is to offer insight into this area for the younger generation of theatre translators. The booklet has just been released in Polish and is available for free.

Małgorzata Dziewulska | The Avant-garde of the Carpathian region. Nine historical reports

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute recently published a subsequent book (in Polish) as part of the “Reclaimed Avant-garde” project.

Look Around. Sense Around, Touch Around, Hear Around Reclaimed Avant-garde: Space and Stages of Avant-garde Theatre in Central-Eastern Europe Aporia. The City Is The City Bartek Warzecha/Performances Tomek Tyndyk / Theatre Hueckel/Theatre

See also

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