The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute

Documentation, promotion and animation of Polish theatrical life.

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute deals with documentation, promotion and animation of Polish theatrical life. It supports educational projects, research, and acts as publisher. The Institute manages the largest archive of theatre related documents in Poland, maintains a library, houses a specialist bookshop PROSPERO, and runs a theatre studio where presentations are open to the public. The Institute manages a portal devoted to Polish theatre (, and the site “Encyclopedia of the Polish theatre” (

The Institute’s programs and competitions aim at initiating activities within theatre pedagogy, supporting the staging of both Polish contemporary art and classic works of Polish literature, disseminating the idea of public theatre, as well as developing practices on the intersection of theatre and other fields, such as theatre photography, choreography in dramatic theatre, radio dramas, and other projects created by visual and new media artists.

Instytut Teatralny - siedziba




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