Drama Revival: The Handbook for translators of dramatic texts

Drama Revival: The Handbook for translators of dramatic texts

Invitation to the presentation of The Handbook for translators of dramatic texts „Theatre translation and its practice”
published September 6 2024

On Wednesday, September 11, we invite you to an online meeting – a presentation of a guide for translators and translators of dramatic texts, prepared in international partnership with our substantive involvement.

The meeting will take place on the ZOOM platform.

To participate in the session, please contact Barbora Formánková: barbora.formankova@idu.cz by September 9.

Date: September 11th 2024, 9.30-11:30AM

Online platform: zoom

Contact person: Barbora Formankova

RSVP by September 9th 2024 to email: barbora.formankova@idu.cz

The presentation of the handbook takes place within Drama Revival project.

The project focuses on the creation, translation and circulation of new plays from Central and Eastern Europe. Its main goal is to foster the motivation to discover, understand and present contemporary playwriting from our region.

The project is organized by: PerformCzech / International Cooperation Department, Arts and Theatre Institute in cooperation with partners:

Tech Degh / Armenia  

Croatian ITI Centre / Croatia 

Estonian Theatre Agency / Estonia  

Drama Panorama / Germany 

Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute / Poland  

Theatre Institute / Slovakia  

Ilia State University / Georgia 

Lviv National University / Ukraine 

National Union of Theatre Artists / Ukraine 

National Theatre / Chile

With the support of: Czech Recovery Plan, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and European Commission – NextGenerationEU.


See also

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