Performance „ja, bóg” / “me, god”

Performance „ja, bóg" / "me, god” is an innovative theatrical project which draws on unresearched and barely known works of Jerzy Grotowski.
published October 26 2021
Performance „ja, bóg” / “me, god” is an innovative theatrical project which draws on unresearched and barely known works of Jerzy Grotowski. It touches upon his most important and private issues. November 21 at 7 pm performance will be presented in Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute as part of international conference “Wojtyła-Grotowski &”.


The play „ja, bóg” / „me, god” is an intimate story about Grotowski’s most crucial search within theatre and life. It refers to the most spiritual questions. Tomasz Rodowicz – Joanna Chmielecka duo situates the play in the quest of answering the most important question a human can pose – about the existence, or a lack thereof, of god.

How to recognize what is unrecognisable? How to get a glimpse of “the other side”? This acting duo plays these questions on the basic binary oppositions: life/death, man/woman, human/god, health/disease, youthfulness/oldness.

Direction and cast: Tomasz Rodowicz, Joanna Chmielecka
Selection of texts, scenario and dramaturgy: Dariusz Kosiński, Tomasz Rodowicz, Joanna Chmielecka
Director’s consultations: Waldemar Raźniak
Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Stage movement: Joanna Jaworska-Maciaszek
Stage design: Andrzej Dworakowski, Tomasz Rodowicz
Stage design constructors: Marcin Czajkowski, Malina Wojciechowska
Costumes: Anna Przybyt
Light: Tomasz Krukowski
Sound: Marcin Dobijański
Photos / teaser / trailer: Rami Shaya / HOLLYBABA
Poster / banner: Katarzyna Jasińska / Gra-Fika
Production: CHOREA Theatre, Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz
Pre-premiere: 22.06.2019, Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, Międzynarodowy Festiwal Fotografii Fotofestival 2019
Premiere: 23.09.2019, Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, Międzynarodowy Festiwal Teatralny Retroperspektywy 2019


CHOREA Theatre – is a thriving, uncountable and unpredictable group of artists, performers, musicians, dancers, actors, practitioners, theatre and drama theorists. We create interdisciplinary artistic, educational and social projects: concerts, workshops and performances. We employ innovative, original work methods, going beyond the cultural mainstream. We direct our work, projects, actions and activities to: adults, youth and children, those who are regular theatre-goers, those with limited access to art, and those looking for alternative cultural initiatives. We put emphasis on team-building, joint cooperation, partnership, group dynamics, interrelations, the awareness of body, voice and musicality in our work.

CHOREA Theatre Association was founded in 2004 in Lublin, as a result of collaboration between two groups of performers. First group – The Ancient Orchestra – was developing musical and rhythmical work. Second group – Dances of the Labyrinth – was experimenting on movement and dance. Since 2004, before they found their residence in Lodz in 2007, they have been working in several locations. The company was first based in Naleczow, Srebrna Gora and Warsaw. Since 2007 they established a permanent base in Lodz, co-founding with Lodz Art Centre a cultural institution named The Art Factory and they own an amazing industrial theatre spaces (for rehearsals, performances and workshops) situated in the 19th Century factories. During 16 years of activity CHOREA Theatre Association fully developed its educational and artistic work. CHOREA artists organized many international workshop sessions, international artistic projects, international theatre festivals, and created more then 60 theatre performances and concerts. CHOREA collaborates with artists from all over the world: USA, Great Britain, Israel, Spain, India, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Syria, Japan, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, etc.

past events

Data Godzina Wydarzenie Wstęp
Sunday 21.11.2021
19:00 Tickets


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